03 January 2024 - Update 04
Referring to our earlier advisory of December 20, we hereby repeat important info to make sure you are ready as a customer to work with the CPu platform as from January 15, 2024.
In order to make this transition as smooth as possible for you as a valued customer, we want to emphasize that Maersk will kick off already on January 4, 2024, using the CPu platform and working with the release rights.
This will enable us to see if systems are working properly and still gives you the pin code possibility as fall back at MPET & DPW. For PSA terminals the release right via CPu will be the only way to go for new releases as from Jan 4, 2024.
As from January 15, 2024, all import releases will solely be handled through the CPu platform for all deepsea terminals.
BNFW Terminal is scheduled to go live end of quarter 1, 2024.
Pick up will only be possible if all the lights on the CPu platform are coloured “green”.
Following lights are to be monitored by yourselves and need to be “green”:
- Commercial Release Light
- Terminal Release Light
- Customs Light
- Pick Up Light
You can already transfer the Commercial Release to your vendor (trucking company, barge/rail operator). Only when all these lights are effectively green, it means your container is ready for pick-up.
If not done already we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the platform on www.certifiedpickup.eu.
If you are not yet registered, kindly register your company with the Port of Antwerp Bruges and bear in mind that for Maersk the APCS code is the unique identifier (https://register.portofantwerpbruges.com/account/#/).
Please do not refrain from signing up at www.nxtport.com.
These links will guide you through the process step by step.
In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your usual Maersk contact.
20 December 2023 - Update 03
Referring to our earlier advisory of last week, we hereby share important info to make sure you are ready as a customer to work with the CPu platform as from January 15, 2024.
In order to make this transition as smooth as possible for you as a valued customer, we want to emphasize that Maersk will
kick off already on January 4, 2024 using the CPu platform and working with the release rights.
This will enable us to see if systems are working properly and still gives you the pincode possibility as fall back.
As from January 15, 2024, all import releases will solely be handled through the CPu platform.
Pick up will only be possible if all the lights on the CPu platform are coloured “green”.
Following lights are to be monitored by yourselves and need to be green:
- Commercial Release Light
- Terminal Discharge Light
- Customs Light
You can already transfer the Commercial Release to your vendor (trucking company, barge/rail operator). Only when all these lights are effectively green, it means your container is ready for pick-up.
If not done already we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the platform on www.certifiedpickup.eu.
If you are not yet registered, kindly register your company with the Port of Antwerp Bruges and bear in mind that for
Maersk the APCS code is the unique identifier (https://register.portofantwerpbruges.com/account/#/).
Please do not refrain from signing up at www.nxtport.com.
These links will guide you through the process step by step.
In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your usual Maersk contact.
14 December 2023 - Update 02
Referring to our earlier advisory of October 20th, we hereby share important info to make sure you are ready as a customer to work with the CPu platform as from January 15, 2024.
In order to make this transition as smooth as possible for you as a valued customer, we want to emphasize that Maersk uses the APCS code as the unique identifier to commercially release your containers on the CPu platform.
As from January 15, 2024, all import release requests will need to be completed by our self-service delivery order product (SSDO) via our website. Our SSDO tool is designed to send all the required information to the CPu platform ensuring a smooth container release.
If not done already please familiarize yourself with the platform on www.certifiedpickup.eu.
If you are not yet registered, kindly register your company with the Port of Antwerp Bruges (https://register.portofantwerpbruges.com/account/#/) and sign up at www.nxtport.com.
These links will guide you through the process step by step.
In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your usual Maersk contact.
20 October 2023 - Update 01
Certified Pick up (CPu) is a neutral, central data platform providing the supply chain with a digital, secure and optimized cargo release and pick-up process in the Port of Antwerp Bruges.
As CPu will be a mandatory application, please familiarize yourself with the platform on www.certifiedpickup.eu. This site offers instruction videos, manuals and live trainings in the month of October, both in Dutch and in English.
If you are not yet registered, kindly register your company with the Port of Antwerp Bruges (https://register.portofantwerpbruges.com/account/#/) and sign up at nxtport.com. If your company already has a C-point account, you only have to connect with the CPu console.
As of January 15th 2024, all import containers arriving on terminal 1742/1718/913/869 will be released through CPu. CPu will replace the PIN code on these terminals, and PIN code will only remain in use for terminals not listed.
Maersk will use your APCS code as the identifier to commercially release your containers in the CPu platform.
Once Maersk will go-live, we will send a second advisory with more information.
In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your usual Maersk contact or sales representative.
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