North America Demurrage & Detention Updates - Effective December 13th, 2023
This advisory serves as notification that effective December 13, 2023, we are making updates to our Demurrage & Detention tariff for cargo moving to and from the United States, Canada and Mexico.
The primary changes are the price increases to the charge after freetime for United States, Canada, and Mexico for dry and reefer equipment types. Below is a recap of the key changes.
- US Export Demurrage Freetime for refrigerated cargo is changing from 7 calendar days to 5 working days. All other export and import demurrage and detention freetime remains the same.
- Import and Export demurrage charges for U.S. and Canada are increasing for all locations except Newark where increases were implemented October 8, 2023.
- Import and Export detention charges for U.S. and Canada are increasing. Import Mexico combined charges are increasing. Export Mexico combined charges remains the same.
For your reference, we have included the current levels as well as the revised tariff levels valid from December 13, 2023 until further notice.
To view the following, please click here.
Export, United States as Origin
Import, United States as Destination
Export, Canada as Origin
Import, Canada as Destination
Import, Mexico as Destination
Please do not hesitate to contact your Maersk representative or our Customer Support team at +1 (800) 321 8807 or via Chat. We are here to assist you and provide guidance during these times.
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