As advised by your representatives through various channels, VALUE PROTECT will be applied as mandatory to new REEFER shipments, Turkey controlled cargoes or customers as of 15.05.2020.
While we always do our utmost to take good care of your cargo, things can go wrong. Therefore we are glad to introduce you to our new solution to keep the value of your cargo protected from logistics-related risks. Value Protect provides alternative carriage terms that offer higher recovery limits on claims at competitive prices and all in a single place.
Value protect applies to cargo loss or damage in cases such as
- Fire
- Accidents due to heavy weather and other dangers of the sea
- Theft
- Cyber Incidents
- Cargo Damages casued by delay
- General Average
Value protect does not apply to
- Commercial damages and financial losses as a result of delay
- Inherent defects and wrongful handling by shipper
- Geopolitical events
- Transport legs outside carrier bill of lading
Our two options for Reefer based on the cargo value is listed below
Package | Coverage | Price / Container |
Cool Standard
Up to 12,000 USD
Price / Container
39 USD
Cool Advanced
Up to 36,000 USD
Price / Container
117 USD
You can also reach the commodity and country exclusions via through below link - Maersk Value Protect.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your local sales or customer service representative. We want to thank you for your business and look forward to continously serving your global transportation needs.
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