We have been notified by Baltic Hub (previous name: DCT) terminal at Gdansk about change of export customs process.
Starting as of 01/01/2023, Customs office will allow to load export containers to vessels only when CEN number field in Navis (port operating system) is populated with MRN number. That needs to be done latest one hour prior to regular cargo cut off for a given vessel departing out of Baltic Hub, Gdansk.
Containers which miss this cut off, will be stopped automatically. Customs stop can be removed only by updating CEN number field in Navis and sending information to dozor.oc.322080@mf.gov.pl that CEN number was populated.
Please kindly review your current process with your customs agents to make sure above is followed.
For further questions, we encourage you to liaise with your local Maersk Line customer service representative or check Maersk website.
We want to thank you for your business and look forward to continuously serving your global transportation needs.
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