Your supply chain is of the utmost importance to us. In line with this, we would like to inform you of changes to the SAMBA service rotation.
Bremerhaven will be added to serve as direct gateway for our customers in & out of East Coast South America, while also provide solutions for Intra – Europe cargo flows.
The new rotation is going to be:
Service | Europe/East Coast South America | First Sailing |
Europe/East Coast South America
London – Rotterdam – Hamburg – Bremerhaven –
Antwerp – Tangier – Santos – Paranagua – Buenos Aires –
Montevideo – Rio Grande – Paranagua – Santos – Tangier
First Sailing
voy 406S
ETD Bremerhaven 15/Feb
If you have further questions, we encourage you to visit or reach out to your local Maersk customer service representative. Our teams are always ready to assist where we can.
We thank you for your trust and loyalty and look forward to continuing to assist and work with you on all matters pertaining to your logistical needs.
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