We have recently observed the increase in missing shipping instructions cases and incomplete shipping instructions being submitted even after cargo arrival at Great Britain ports. This has resulted in non-compliance to the procedures we have for the Advance Manifest declaration to the first port of entry port in Great Britain.
As per the Great Britain Advance Manifest regulations, carriers require to present the advance manifest declaration atleast 24 hrs prior vessel arrival at compliance load port but off late we have seen significant delays in these submissions due to missing or incomplete shipping instructions. To meet the regulatory requirements, we are changing the current policy of “No Shipping Instructions – No Load” to the new policy of “No Advance Manifest – No Load.”
This would mean that we as a carrier would require to receive a complete shipping instruction at least 34 hrs prior vessel arrival at Compliance load port to be able to submit advance declaration and obtain a Movement Reference Number (MRN). A cargo will then only be planned for loading only after the receipt of the Manifest Reference Number from Great Britain Customs.
The new policy will be effective from 15th March 2024. Any cargo not having Movement Reference Number (MRN) for the cargo arriving Great Britain will be rolled to the next available vessel. This policy covers the cargo imported, transshipped and freight remaining on board cargo at Great Britain for the medium and long transit. This policy does not apply for the short sea cargo defined by Great Britain Customs.
We appreciate your support to provide timely shipping instructions as per the guidelines shared above.
In case of any queries, you may reach out to the local Customer Experience team.
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