Courts to Claims: Preeti Dunakhe’s transition into the world of shipping

Starting her career as a fresh-faced lawyer in the bustling halls of Bombay High Court, Preeti found herself surrounded by the echoes of courtroom arguments. Her family, recognizing her bold and fearless nature, envisioned her pursuing a career in law following a well-trodden academic path. However, destiny had a different course in mind. During one of her evening walks along the harbor, Preeti found herself captivated by the majestic ships docked there. Their quiet presence sparked a curiosity, a flicker of interest that would soon ignite into a lifelong passion for the world of shipping.

Maersk has always been my dream company – if it was a career in shipping and logistics, it had to be Maersk!

Preeti Dunakhe
Claim Adjuster, Maersk Line Fleet Management

From navigating the intricacies of cargo claims to traversing the complexities of freight forwarding and logistics, her journey wasn't without its challenges.

Preeti Dunakhe

The shipping industry, she discovered early on, mirrored the societal bias she'd encountered during her days as an advocate. But Preeti, like the ships she admired, was built to weather storms. The support of her family, the wisdom of her mentors – a High Court judge and a seasoned professor – became her anchors.

Today, with fourteen years of experience etched in her journey, Preeti stands tall. Her story isn't just about navigating the complexities of the shipping world; it's a testament to the power of passion, the support of her loved ones, and the strength from mentors and well-wishers that helps one overcome any obstacle, especially in the face of systemic biases.

Sarah Grah

Resilience, Growth, and Balance: Sarah Grah’s logistics voyage

Sarah Grah, a dedicated employee for 12 years, has transitioned through various roles at Maersk across five different departments. With a formal education in commercial business and logistics, she started off as a Customer Experience trainee at Maersk and was then promoted to a supervisor role along the way.

Her journey has been marked by resilience and a thirst for learning. Despite facing setbacks, such as missing out on Maersk’s Strategies for Success program back in 2018 due to pregnancy, Sarah remained motivated, ultimately seizing the opportunity with renewed determination in 2023.

This time, she embraced the opportunity wholeheartedly, eager to delve deeper into her professional development journey. In reflecting on her experience with the Strategies for Success program. Sarah shares a meaningful lesson she learned.

During this program, I learned to be myself, to use my strengths, and not solely focus on my weaknesses. I discovered that my resilience would be tested when I challenge myself.

Sarah Grah
Terminal Planning Analyst West Africa

Sarah's commitment to her career is matched only by her dedication to her family. Despite the demands of her job, she prioritizes work-life balance, cherishing weekends spent with loved ones. Her connection with Maersk takes on an even deeper meaning with her husband also working here. Together, they support each other through the ups and downs of their careers, finding comfort and strength in their shared experiences. It adds an extra layer of connection to Sarah's professional life, blending her personal and professional worlds in a harmonious balance. Her journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for those striving to find equilibrium between career aspirations and personal fulfillment.

Empowering Growth: Vuyiswa Gaba's journey from intern to finance business partner

Vuyiswa Gaba

Vuyiswa Gaba's journey at Maersk began as a finance intern, a role that eventually led to a permanent position. Over the course of three years, she has undergone rotations and portfolio changes that has provided her with exposure to diverse aspects of the business. This experience has equipped her with a versatile skill set as she continues to learn and grow within the finance space.

As one of the younger members of the Strategies for Success cohort, Vuyiswa found herself among a group of enterprising women from Maersk. However, she quickly discovered a common thread of vulnerability and growth.

For the longest time I always thought adults are not afraid of anything. But when I saw that seemingly older woman shared the same apprehensions about their career and work, I felt a sense of safety and comfort knowing that I’m not alone.

Vuyiswa Gaba
Finance Business Partner

Within the supportive environment of the program, she found a safe space to explore her potential and confront her insecurities.

Reflecting on her journey, she acknowledges the transformative impact the Strategies for Success program has had on her personal and professional growth. Empowered with newfound confidence and armed with a comprehensive toolkit for leadership, she feels not only better equipped but also invigorated to navigate upcoming challenges & opportunities that lie ahead. on her path.

Priscilla Onoja

Getting in the cohort was worth the wait: Priscilla Onoja

Priscilla was keen on joining the Strategies for Success program held every year, but somehow her name didn’t seem to make it to the coveted list. She kept being vocal about her desire to be part of the program and finally, made it to the 3rd cohort.

To her, the program gave her the freedom to discover and express herself in a secured circle of other women.

S4S got me thinking about how far I’ve progressed in my career but also, what I need to do to improve. It built in me a kind of resilience to stretch & push myself from the comfort zone to the learning / growth zone.

Priscilla Onoja
Accounting Manager at AP Moller Terminals

When asked to advice other women on the same journey she adds: “It’s important to know the types of leaders at work, and who your advocate or sponsor is even when you are not in the room. Get the clarity & self-awareness that you need to progress.”

Nengi Somiari

Authenticity unlocks value, visibility: Nengi Somiari’s learnings from S4S

For Nengi Somiari, the Strategies for Success program wasn't just another training session – it was a catalyst for her personal growth.

She’d heard career mentors speak about the importance of visibility in one’s career growth. What she wondered though, was how does one promote their visibility without it coming across as ‘eye service’ or pretentious.

The S4S program made me realize that I was a unique individual, with a select set of skills and attributes – that when combined, allow me to add value in a way that nobody else can. I then realized that one’s visibility is a natural outcome of adding value to the team, to the organization & business.

Nengi Somiari
Employee Relations Specialist AP Moller Terminals

Nengi's confidence level has also grown to a higher level as she now interacts with different leaders on diverse subject matters and offers solutions. This became possible when she acknowledged herself as 'unique' and realized that mistakes are a part of the journey to success.

About the Strategies for Success Program (S4S):

The Strategies for Success (S4S) is an accelerated development program specifically designed for Women across Maersk who want to maximize their career potential and enhance their performance. It aims to provide women with tools and techniques to help further develop and progress in their career as well as maximize potential. It also provides for a global perspective on what the research tells us about common challenges and themes that women face in their careers and leadership. Participants will be equipped with knowledge and tips on how to implement what has been learnt to help sustain their performance and drive their career.

Do the above stories of women from our development program inspire you to join our global network that power the world’s trade? We’re hiring. Head over to our careers section and apply to the roles there.









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