Due to civil works on Rail infrastructure in Barcelona area, from the 26th of August, the railway track connecting Barcelona Terminal will be cut off.
Our partners informed us the operation is more significant than expected and will take a minimum of 3-4 weeks for the rail track to operate as usual.
In order to give continuity to our service and avoid any disruption in your supply chain, we will serve Barcelona, using an alternative solution with a change of MOT. This temporary solution implies incurring into a higher cost. This extra cost will bring the implementation of a surcharge of:
405 EUR/20DRY 305 EUR/40DRY or HDRY for every container moved from Barcelona IN/OUT affecting cargo planned on train to Zaragoza/Bilbao and vice-versa.
115 EUR/20DRY 100 EUR/40DRY or HDRY for every container moved from Barcelona IN/OUT affecting cargo planned on train to Tarragona and vice-versa.
The surcharge will apply till the situation is solved (expected to have it solved 12th of September).
You will find the surcharges on your invoices as follows:
Additional Export Inland Service
Additional Import Inland Service
Our capacity is under pressure, but even so, we will work to maintain the confirmed deadlines. For the situations where it will be impossible to reach the deadline, we will inform specifically. In case your cargo needs to be prioritized please let us know and we will take care.
At Maersk, we take your views seriously, please get in contact with us and let us know your concerns, feedback and comments. We will keep you updated regarding this exceptional situation.
We want to thank you for your business and look forward to continuously serving your global transportation needs.
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