In order to improve products from India to North America, the MECL service will add a call in Mundra, India, and at the same time the MECL service will stop calling Algeciras on the westbound voyage.
As a result, the transit times from India, Pakistan and Middle East to US East Coast will improve by an average of 5 days.
The new MECL rotation will be as follows:
Jebel Ali → Mundra → Pipavav → Nhava Sheva → Salalah → Newark → Charleston → Savannah → Houston → Norfolk → Newark → Tangier → Salalah
First vessel voyage on the new rotation will be Maersk Atlanta 509W with ETA in Mundra 24th February 2025.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to continuing working with you in the future. In case of any questions, please contact your local customer service or sales representatives.
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