As of 21/01/2025, declarations will no longer be submitted in the current customs transit system NCTS (Phase 4). From this date onwards, the new declaration system, NCTS Phase 5 (Customs Transit Application, or NCTS Phase 5), must be used. This new system aligns with European legislation under the Union Customs Code (UCC). Below, we inform you of the key changes and what they mean for you.

What is changing?

  1. Multiple layers in the declaration

    The structure of the declaration in NCTS Phase 5 will change to a multi-layer system. Where previously a declaration consisted of two layers (declaration and item level), NCTS Phase 5 expands this to four layers:

    • Transit Operation: general information
    • Master Consignment: information about the entire shipment, such as the location of the goods and involved parties
    • House Consignment: additional information about the involved parties
    • Consignment Item: details of the goods

    This allows for a more detailed and structured presentation of the data.

  2. Mandatory six-digit commodity code
    Under NCTS Phase 5, it will be mandatory to provide a six-digit HS code instead of the current four-digit code.

  3. Other important changes

    • The physical accompanying document (TAD) is no longer mandatory, but the layout of the document has been adjusted for use in the fallback procedure.
    • License plate numbers are no longer required for container transport, but they remain mandatory for other types of transport.
    • The abbreviation "MRN" now stands for "Master Reference Number" instead of "Movement Reference Number."

What is expected of you as a valued customer?

With the implementation of NCTS Phase 5, additional information will be required to ensure your declarations are submitted correctly and on time. Therefore, we ask you to pay attention to the following points:

  • Ensure that the correct six-digit commodity codes are provided.
  • Invoice and packing list needs to be provided.
  • Eori number will be mandatory in a later stage.
  • Verify that the information for each shipment is complete and detailed enough, considering the new multi-layered format, such as the carrier's information.

We understand that these changes may require some adjustments and we are, of course, ready to assist you in this process. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us.









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