As per the new Automated Export System – AES - regulations for Europe, the carriers needs to receive MRN timely to comply with the new regulations.
What is Expected from you as a customer in relation to the AES message submission?
- We expect customers to submit MRN to Maersk latest at the MRN/Shipping Instructions deadline provided to you on your Booking Confirmation.
- You are also required to ensure that Customs Clearance is in “Release“ status for export MRN.
- If MRN not received timely, Maersk as a carrier can not submit the export declaration messages in steps 2 & 3. Subsequently Maersk will not be able to load cargo on the planned vessel departure.
- Maersk will shortly automate rolling of cargo lacking MRN at time of deadline.
What is AES?
AES (Automated Export System) is a new export system introduced 2/12 2024 by Swedish Customs. This is done in order to comply with the EU’s customs legislation. To finalise export customs procedure, the data submission in AES will take place in three steps:
- Export declaration (IE515)
The declarant makes a standard customs declaration and sends the customs declaration digitally to Swedish Customs in message IE515 to have the goods released for the customs export procedure. When the goods are released for export, an MRN number is obtained. The MRN number must then be passed on to the operator who submits the notification of the goods' exit in steps 2 and 3. - Notification of goods to the office of exit (IE507)
When the goods arrive at the place of exit, the carrier or his representative submits a notification of goods to the customs office of exit in message IE507. The notification refers to the MRN of the customs declaration. - Notification of exit of goods (IE590)
When the goods have left the customs territory of the EU, the carrier or his authorised representative notifies the customs office of exit that the goods have left. This is done using message IE590, which refers to the MRN of the customs declaration.
In case of additional queries pls reach out to the local respresentataives from Customer Experience team.
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