
我们与马士基合作已经接近 20 年,他们能够将高度危险化学品运送到世界各地。作为合作伙伴,马士基极其重视安全问题,并通过自身的专业知识确保完全符合 IMDG(国际危险货物海运规则)规范的安全的远洋运输。
Did you know that
We go the extra mile to keep your cargo safe(我们加倍努力以保证您的货物安全)
At Maersk, nothing stops us from making your supply chain simple, smooth and safe. Even more so, when it comes to your Hazardous Cargo..(马士基致力于为客户打造透明,灵活,安全的供应链物流体系,特别为危险品货物运输保驾护航。)
Extraordinary special stowage code(特殊装载代码)
With our new guidelines on Dangerous Goods stowage, your cargo will be stowed in selected areas and experience the highest levels of safety when it’s on board our vessels. (根据我们关于危险品货物装载的新方案,您的货物将被装载在指定的舱位,确保在船上达到最高的安全标准。)Discover more
Screening and physical inspection(筛选和物理检查)
To ensure all cargo on board is safe and remains intact, we carefully verify all bookings information to detect undeclared or misdeclared cargo, and we reserve the right to open and inspect containers, when deemed necessary. (为确保船上所有货物的安全并保持完好,我们会仔细核对所有预订信息,以发现未申报或误申报的货物,并保留在必要时打开和检查集装箱的权利。)Discover more
Influencing safety via Knowledge and expertise sharing(通过分享专业知识及经验来保证安全运输)
Less incidents onboard mean more peace of mind. As one of the founding members of CINS (Cargo Incident Notification System), we partner with industry leaders to improve supply chain safety. We constantly share information on all cargo-related incidents to prevent them and minimise the impact. (更少的事故意味着更安心。作为CINS(货物事故通报系统)的创始成员之一,我们与行业领导者合作,以提高供应链安全性。我们经常分享所有与货物有关的事故的资料,以防止事故发生,并尽量减小影响。)Discover more
Cargo container specifications (货物集装箱规格)
Kindly note dimensions vary with container series – for dimensions of specific unit please contact us.
Maximum Payload: The maximum permitted mass of payload, including the dunnage and cargo securement arrangements that are not associated with the container in its normal operating condition.
Tare weight: Mass of empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with a particular type of container in its normal operating condition.
Maximum Gross weight: The maximum mass for operating a container, including the tare weight and the maximum payload.
Units expressed in kilograms.
Maximum Payload: The maximum permitted mass of payload, including the dunnage and cargo securement arrangements that are not associated with the container in its normal operating condition.
Tare weight: Mass of empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with a particular type of container in its normal operating condition.
Maximum Gross weight: The maximum mass for operating a container, including the tare weight and the maximum payload.
Units expressed in kilograms.
Maximum Payload: The maximum permitted mass of payload, including the dunnage and cargo securement arrangements that are not associated with the container in its normal operating condition.
Tare weight: Mass of empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with a particular type of container in its normal operating condition.
Maximum Gross weight: The maximum mass for operating a container, including the tare weight and the maximum payload.
Units expressed in kilograms.
Maximum Payload: The maximum permitted mass of payload, including the dunnage and cargo securement arrangements that are not associated with the container in its normal operating condition.
Tare weight: Mass of empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with a particular type of container in its normal operating condition.
Maximum Gross weight: The maximum mass for operating a container, including the tare weight and the maximum payload.
Units expressed in kilograms.