Shipping to and from Democratic Republic of the Congo
Your complete guide to shipping to and from Democratic Republic of the Congo. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.
Type | 1-14 days after freetime | above 15 days |
1-14 days after freetime
10 USD/day
above 15 days
20 USD/day
1-14 days after freetime
20 USD/day
above 15 days
40 USD/day
Reefer containers
The free time is 17 calendar days, to be counted as of the day of vessel arrival. There are no holidays to be taken into account. Afterwards following rates are applicable:
Type | 1-14 days after freetime | Above 15 days |
1-14 days after freetime
10 USD/day
Above 15 days
30 USD/day
1-14 days after freetime
40 USD/day
Above 15 days
60 USD/day
New documentation requirement for DRC
All cargo arriving to and departing from DRC Cluster must be covered by below listed mandatory documents. These documents provide the relevant agencies with all information.
Acceptance - Import
Weight Limit for all:- As per payload
IMO: - IMO Cargo should be discharged for immediate delivery
Inland Haulage: - Inland haulage should be paid along with BAS
Destination local charges: -
Only following charges are accepted as Import local charges in Democratic Republic of Congo :
Documentation Fee - Destination (DDF), Terminal Handling Service - Destination (DHC), Equipment Positioning Service (POS), Equipment Management Imports (EMI), Port Additional Dues - Imports (PAI) and Reefer Monitoring / Plug-in Service (RFM), Government Tax Import (GTI), Agency Logistics Fee Import charge (ULI) applicable for shipment through Matadi.
Freight terms: - For all import shipments into Democratic of Congo, freight must be paid at origin under freight PREPAID terms.
Private individual as consignee/notify party is accepted for the destination DRC even for personal goods & personal effects.
The ECTN is an Electronic Cargo Tracking Notice. The ECTN number is known as the NVU (Numéro Visa Unique) and must be mentioned on the Bill of Lading.
The ECTN is provided by OGEFREM agents at the loading port. The list of agents can be found on the website . The Congolese Control Office (the OCC) is charged with the control of the effective application of these measures at the arrival ports and the country borders of the DRC. The shipping line must ensure an ECTN is available before loading the cargo for Export.
BIVAC (Bureau Veritas Certificate of Inspection)
OFIDA, the customs authority in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), has issued a statement reminding all parties about the need for every import shipment to have a Bureau Veritas Certificate of Inspection (the so called BIVAC certificate). Carriers are requested not to accept any cargo without a valid BIVAC number, and in case of none compliance cargo will be returned to port of loading at the exporter's expense. For any further queries we advise you to contact your local officeBureau Veritas
Following above, below documents must be compulsory be collected and their numbers mentioned on the Bill of Lading.
Country code | BIVAC | ECTN |
Country code
Country code
In case any of the documentation is not in order upon arrival of the vessels at the Port of Discharge, the shipping line will be fined for non-compliance. Any fines, costs and consequences will be debited to the origin offices (pro rata if needed) immediately for recovery from the shippers. These costs can’t be recovered from importers.
Drop off
Empty containers can be returning to Matadi port or Kinshasa depot which is subject to drop off fees.
Please contact for further information.