April 27, 2022 - Update 15
We are pleased to announce, the vessel has completed operations and is sailing back to Far East Asia. This will be the last general advisory sent to all customers on board. We will communicate to your organization separately to provide more specific details and next steps for impacted cargo still in Lazaro Cardenas.
Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this incident may have caused to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 25, 2022 - Update 14
As you know, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
We are pleased to announce, the vessel is alongside in Seattle and operations have commenced. Please check your US Customs clearance status and ensure ready for movement as quickly as possible. We will begin the transload process this week for impacted cargo still in Lazaro Cardenas and we will share the best options to return the containers to Seattle or intended final destination by end of this week.
Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more specific details on impacted cargo. Another update will be released on Wednesday, April 27th on further developments and updates.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 22, 2022 - Update 13
As you know, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
We are pleased to advise, the vessel is confirmed to berth for sound cargo on Monday, April 25th at Seattle. Please check your US Customs clearance status and ensure ready for movement as quickly as possible. We will begin the transload coordination's next week for impacted cargo that is in Lazaro Cardenas and we continue to explore the best options to return the containers to Seattle or intended final destination.
Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more specific details on impacted cargo. Another update will be released on Monday, April 25th on further developments and updates.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 20, 2022 - Update 12
As you know, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
As previously communicated, the vessel is still expected to berth on the 25th at Seattle, US. We are working on options for all impacted cargo that is still in Lazaro Cardenas. For the cargo currently onboard, we worked closely with U.S. Customs to ensure they are aware of the vessel incident and delays into Seattle. We ask that you check your US customs and freight status before the cargo comes in, to allow fluidity.
Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more specific details on impacted cargo. Another update will be released on Friday, April 22nd on further developments and updates.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
Previous updates
To review all previous updates to ensure that no communication is lost, please unfold the below list.
April 19, 2022 - Update 11
As you know, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
We are pleased to announce that the vessel has departed from Lazaro Cardenas on Saturday, April 16th and is now headed to Seattle, US. We expect her to be alongside and working by April 25th.
Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more specific details on impacted cargo. Another update will be released on Friday, April 22nd on further developments and updates.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 13, 2022 - Update 10
As you know, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
After the completion of the vessel assessment, we have determined necessary repairs are required for the safety of the vessel, itself, our crew members, and our customer’s cargo. We will begin vessel repairs once discharge operations have concluded and we anticipate these repairs to be complete over the weekend. Once vessel repairs are complete, we expect her to sail to Seattle directly. We believe we will be able to secure a berth window relatively quickly based on internal discussions with the terminal.
Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more specific details on the extent of impacted cargo. Another update will be released on Monday, April 18th on further developments and updates.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 11, 2022 - Update 9
As you know, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
As previously communicated, discharge operations have commenced, and successful progress has been made over the weekend. The team is working diligently and will progress over the week to complete operations as quickly as possible. Once all damaged cargo is discharged, we will complete the vessel inspection and communicate next steps, but our intention is to sail back to Seattle to unload remaining cargo.
You will be hearing more specific details on the extent of damaged containers this week, as well as the amount of time required to fix the vessel, if needed, and determine the cargo contingency options by Wednesday, April 13th. Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more details as more information becomes available, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 8, 2022 - Update 8
As previously communicated, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
We are pleased to advise the vessel is alongside, and discharge operations have commenced as of yesterday, April 7th. Discharge operations are successfully underway, and we have seen multiple containers discharged, slow to start, and speed of discharge has already picked up. The team is working diligently and will progress over the weekend to complete operations by end of late next week. After the final vessel inspection is completed, we will further communicate on next steps, but our intention is to sail back to Seattle to unload remaining cargo. Given the congestion in the area, we are actively having discussions and working on opportunities to secure a berth window.
We will have more specific details on the extent of damaged containers, the amount of time required to fix the vessel, if needed, and determine the cargo contingency options next week. Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more details as more information becomes available. We will prioritize calling customers where containers may have been lost or sustained potential damage.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 6, 2022 - Update 7
As previously communicated, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
The expectation is, she will be cleared to berth by tomorrow, April 7th and start discharge operations which are anticipated to conclude late next week. We will provide another update on current developments by Friday, April 8th.
We are working closely with U.S. Customs to ensure they are aware of the vessel incident and delays into Seattle. We have confirmed only entries with impacted containers will require retransmission or amendments by your broker based on our forthcoming details related to overboard or damaged cargo. Any entries on sound cargo will remain as is.
Once the vessel is alongside and assessed, we will have more specific details on the extent of damaged containers, the amount of time required to fix the vessel, if needed, and determine the cargo contingency options. Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more details as more information becomes available. We will prioritize calling customers where containers may have been lost or sustained potential damage.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 4, 2022 - Update 6
As previously communicated, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
We are pleased to advise the vessel has arrived at Lazaro Cardenas yesterday morning and is scheduled to be alongside on April 6th. Inspections are underway and we are reviewing the safest possible vessel work plans. At this time, we expect discharge operations to take approximately 2 weeks, but we must assess the vessel for any necessary repairs, which could add additional time at Lazaro Cardenas.
We are working closely with U.S. Customs to ensure they are aware of the vessel incident and delays into Seattle. We have confirmed only entries with impacted containers will require retransmission or amendments by your broker based on our forthcoming details related to overboard or damaged cargo. Any entries on sound cargo will remain as is.
Once the vessel is alongside and assessed, we will have more specific details on the extent of damaged containers, the amount of time required to fix the vessel, if needed, and determine the cargo contingency options. Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more details as more information becomes available. We will prioritize calling customers where containers may have been lost or sustained potential damage.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
April 1, 2022 - Update 5
As previously communicated, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
The vessel is still planned to arrive at Lazaro Cardenas on Sunday, April 3rd and will undergo a safety inspection by surveyors and local authorities prior to berthing. Post assessment and upon approval, berthing plans will be finalized to come alongside likely Tuesday morning. Once alongside damage assessment will be conducted that will steer the cargo recovery operation, that normally commences slowly to ensure safety of vessel, underlying cargo and crew. We plan to retain the unimpacted containers onboard for further on carriage to destination. However, this will depend on the extent of damage to the vessel and the time it will entail to complete the repairs before she can resume the voyage.
We understand the importance of cargo and vessel status to your supply chain planning and will keep you updated on developments by Monday, April 4th. Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more details on the cargo affected as more information becomes available. We will prioritize calling customers where containers may have been lost or sustained potential damage.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult situation and regret any inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
March 28, 2022 - Update 4
As previously communicated, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
With no changes occurring over the past weekend the vessel is still planned to arrive at Lazaro Cardenas on April 3rd. If no major developments arise during this time, we will share another communication on Friday, April 1st.
We understand the importance of cargo and vessel status to your supply chain planning and will keep you updated on developments once the vessel berths at Lazaro Cardenas. Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more details on the cargo affected as more information becomes available. We will prioritize calling customers where containers may have been lost or sustained potential damage.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult situation and regret any inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
March 25, 2022 - Update 3
As previously communicated, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
The vessel has been diverted to Lazaro Cardenas where she’s expected to arrive April 3rd, and will undergo a safety inspection by authorities prior to berthing. Post assessment and upon approval, berthing plans will be finalized to come alongside. Once alongside damage assessment will be conducted that will steer the cargo recovery operation, that normally commences slowly to ensure safety of vessel, underlying cargo and crew. We plan to retain the unimpacted containers onboard for further on carriage to destination. However, this will depend on the extent of damage to the vessel and the time it will entail to complete the repairs before she can resume the voyage.
We understand the importance of cargo and vessel status to your supply chain planning and will keep you updated on developments once the vessel berths at Lazaro Cardenas. Our customer experience teams will be contacting your organization to provide more details on the cargo affected as more information becomes available. We will prioritize calling customers where containers may have been lost or sustained potential damage.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult situation and regret any inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
March 23, 2022 - Update 2
To keep you informed, the vessel Dyros 209N experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China. We are taking the necessary precautions along with the vessel owners to minimize the risk until the vessel arrives at a safe port.
We are currently assessing the nearest suitable port option to berth the vessel as it is unlikely she will call Seattle or any other US port. We will continue to keep you informed of all developments.
Our customer experience teams will be contacting you to provide more details on the cargo affected and the next port of call as more information becomes available. We will prioritize calling customers where containers may have been lost or sustained potential damage.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult situation and regret any inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
March 22, 2022 - Update 1
We regret to inform you the owner’s vessel “Dyros” experienced heavy weather on March 21st, 2022 while en-route to Seattle, US from Yantian, China.
We received the preliminary report from the vessel owners indicating a number of containers that have been lost overboard and/or damaged. Once the vessel has berthed, and an external inspection is done by the appointed surveyors, we will then be able to confirm the status of the containers.
In the meantime, our local customer experience teams will be reaching out to your organization to inform you of further details. We will prioritize customers where containers may have been lost or sustained potential damage.
We will keep you updated with the vessel schedule and next port of call once further information is available. Due to the potential challenges that might arise during discharge of impacted containers, there could be a delay in delivery of your shipment.
We apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
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