In accordance with Decree issued by Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia (the MOT) on April 27, 2022, issued Decree No. 22 of 2022 on Temporary Export Ban on Crude Palm Oil, Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Oil, Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Olein, and Used Cooking Oil (Decree 22/2022), please be informed that effective immediately, Maersk will not accept bookings with the following HS Code:
Pos Tarif or HS Code 1511 – Crude Palm Oil and its derivatives
Crude Palm Oil: 1511.10.00 / 1511.90
RBD Palm Oil: 1511.90.20
RBD Palm Olein: 1511.90.36 / 1511.90.37 / 1511.90.38
Pos Tarif or HS Code 1518 – Used Cooking Oil and its derivatives
Used Cooking Oil: 1518.00.14 / 1518.00.14 / 1518.00.19 / 1518.00.32 / 1518.00.38 / 1518.00.60 /1518.00.90
Pos Tarif or HS Code 2306 – Residue from vegetable oil extraction and its derivatives
Residue with free fatty acid less than 20%: 2306.9 / 2390.90.90
For Palm Oil booking with non-restricted HS CODE, cargo owner must provide copy of NPE, copy of PEB and copy BL to be submitted following Final SI deadline. These additional documents are mandatory for all ports.
Specific for port of loading BELAWAN, ALL bookings (ALL commodities) are mandatory to provide above mentioned documents.
All documents are to be submitted to
Failure to comply may result in unloaded cargo and any costs incurred will be the responsibility of the cargo owner.
However, would like to highlight that the load status will be determined by an operation assessment and the ground conditions.
For future palm oil bookings or bookings not yet loaded, we would appreciate your help in ensuring that the relevant commodities are selected in your booking system rather than all derivatives being classified as palm oil.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we implement the new rule.
For more information or assistance, please contact our customer service.
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