Due to the impacts of the global pandemic and to better support our customers during this period, Maersk has previously suspended charges levied from the UK related to the Electronic Cargo Release Service. In order to keep providing you with this service, Maersk is now revising the Electronic Cargo Release Service from 1st September 2022.
Also known as 'Telex' or ‘Telex release’, this releases the cargo at destination upon proof of identity of the receiver as consignee. This is done once all 3 original BLs have been surrendered by the consignee, or an authorized agent of the consignee, at a Maersk office location. The Electronic Cargo Release Service can help with the reduction of courier / postage costs and reduce delays in cargo release at destination.
The revised Electronic Cargo Release Service tariff will be as follows and effective from 1st September, based on the scheduled vessel departure date. Note that this will not impact the process for accessing the service which remains the same as today.
- Electronic Cargo Release Service - Export TLE fee is 50 USD per BLs and applicable in case BLs have been surrendered in country of origin.
- Electronic Cargo Release Service - Import TLI fee is 50 USD per BLs and applicable in case BLs have been surrendered in countries other than destination country.
Please note TLE/TLI will not cover switch transport documents to show new parties by issuing a second set of documents. It will be charged additionally as Switch Transport Document Service.
We thank you for your business and look forward to serving your future global transportation needs.
Our teams are here to serve you, so should you have any questions, please contact your local Customer Experience representative.
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