October 13, 2022 – Update 05

In continuation to the September 26th Customer Advisory posted on the situation in Western Canada and significant congestion at Centerm, below are further updates regarding vessel berthing and rotation plan for our Transpacific (TP9) service:

Prince Rupert

Anna Maersk 226N will be the last TP9 vessel to induce Prince Rupert for rail cargo discharge. Anna Maersk 226N had her first call on September 28th and is currently sitting in anchorage. Second call ETA will be October 17th to discharge the rest of the local Canadian rail cargo excluding reefers, hazardous and out of gauge shipments.

Vancouver Centerm

  • Tyndall 237N will call Centerm for full import discharge and export load. ETA Centerm October 20th
  • Anna Maersk 226N will call Centerm for local discharge and export load. ETA October 31st
  • Maersk Singapore will call Centerm for full import discharge and export load. ETA Centerm November 12th

While the situation remains fluid, we will continue to provide regular updates pertaining to the changes allowing our customers to plan effectively.

We also request your continued support in prioritizing the pickup of aging cargo as we work together with our terminal and rail partners to restore fluidity in operations for a more reliable supply chain. Please reach out to your Customer Experience representative should you have any questions.

September 27, 2022 – Update 04

In continuation to last week's advisory on the situation in Western Canada and significant congestion at Centerm, below are further updates regarding vessel berthing and rotation plan for our Transpacific service TP9, which serves ports in Eastern China and Busan, Korea into North America at Vancouver and Seattle.

Prince Rupert

Anna Maersk 226N will call Prince Rupert to discharge local Canadian rail cargo excluding reefers, hazardous and out of gauge shipments. The vessel’s estimated time (ETA) of arrival is September 29th.

Vancouver Delta Port

Maersk Singapore 222N completed her double Prince Rupert call on September 16th and sailed to Delta Port for local discharge. Vessel arrived Delta port on September 22nd and is currently under operation. We sincerely ask that all import containers discharging off this vessel are picked up within terminal free time. No exports will be loaded out of this terminal.

Vancouver Centerm

Maersk Seville 229N called Centerm September 22nd for full import discharge and export load
Santa Ursula 234N will call Centerm for full import discharge and export load. ETA Centerm October 4th
Anna Maersk 226N will call Centerm for local discharge and export load. ETA October 19th
Tyndall 237N will call Centerm for full import discharge and export load. ETA Centerm October 19th

While the situation remains fluid, we will continue to provide regular updates pertaining to the changes thereby allowing our customers to plan effectively.

We also request your continued support in prioritizing the pickup of aging cargo as we work together with our terminal and rail partners to restore fluidity in operations for a more reliable supply chain. Please reach out to your Customer Experience representative should you have any questions.

August 23, 2022 – Update 03

In continuation to last week’s advisory on the situation in Western Canada and significant congestion at Centerm, below are further updates regarding vessel berthing and rotation plan for our Transpacific (TP9) service.


In addition to the below vessels, the Maersk Laberinto 220N will call Centerm for import discharge and export pickup.

Maersk Laberinto 220N - ETA 30 August
Maersk Seville 229N- ETA 16 September
Anna Maersk 226N- ETA 24 September
Santa Ursula 234N- ETA of 01 October

Due to the Maersk Tyndall 225S and the Maersk Singapore 228S omitting Centerm terminal, the export cargo that was originally booked on the Tyndall 225S will load on the Maersk Laberinto 226S out of Centerm and the export cargo originally booked on the Maersk Singapore 228S will load on the Santa Ursula 240S.

While the situation remains fluid, we will continue to provide regular updates pertaining to the changes allowing our customers to plan effectively.

We also request your continued support in prioritizing the pickup of aging cargo as we work together with our terminal and rail partners to restore fluidity in operations for a more reliable supply chain. Please reach out to your Customer Experience representative should you have any questions.

August 17, 2022 – Update 02

In continuation to last week’s advisory on the situation in Western Canada and significant congestion at Centerm, below are further updates regarding vessel berthing and rotation plan for our Transpacific (TP9) service.

Prince Rupert

We will have the below vessels call Prince Rupert to discharge local Canadian rail cargo excluding reefers, hazardous and out of gauge shipments. We will also be discharging some USA destined rail cargo at this terminal and customers with impacted shipments will be advised directly.

Maersk Singapore 222N - ETA 25 August
Anna Maersk 226N - ETA 13 September

There are no exports planned on these vessels out of Prince Rupert.

Delta Port

We will have the below vessels call Delta Port to discharge all import shipments.

Tyndall 219N - ETA 25 August
Maersk Singapore 222N - ETA 01 September

There are no exports planned on these vessels out of this terminal. Exports booked on the Tyndall 225S and Maersk Singapore 228S are being rerouted to TP1 Northern Jamboree 230S and next TP9 vessels Anna Maersk 223S and MSK Seville 235S.


The below vessels will call Centerm for import discharge and export pickup.

Maersk Seville 229N - ETA 16 September
Anna Maersk 226N - ETA 24 September
Santa Ursula 234N - ETA of 01 October

All the above efforts are geared towards improving our service reliability with direct impact on reduced wait times. While the situation remains fluid, we will continue to provide regular updates pertaining to the changes allowing our customers to plan effectively.

We also request your continued support in prioritizing the pickup of aging cargo as we work together with our terminal and rail partners to restore fluidity in operations for a more reliable supply chain. Please reach out to your Customer Experience representative should you have any questions.

August 14, 2022 – Update 01

We would like to keep you updated with the situation in Western Canada in relation to the significant congestion at Centerm.

Terminals on the West Coast of Canada have experienced berthing delays in recent weeks due to inland network congestion, particularly in Toronto and Montreal. As these inland terminals became congested, the supply of rail cars to the terminals were restricted/stopped. This situation has had a detrimental impact on the terminals which are not designed for storing containers. Despite the projected expansions in both Vancouver and Prince Rupert, the terminal throughput hasn’t increased.

The above factors have led to longer than usual vessel wait time for our Transpacific services (TP1 and TP9) as well as additional delays for the rail traffic due to lack of space to discharge containers at Centerm.

To help alleviate the congestion at Centerm and ensure efficient movement of cargo, Maersk is currently taking the following necessary steps.

  • Alignment of TP9 sailings from Asia to match the cadence at Centerm.
  • Evaluation of every TP9 vessel in the queue for possible changes to rotation. This includes calling Seattle first in the rotation. Since July we have done this with all vessels except the Tyndall.
  • Inducement of TP9 at Prince Rupert for discharge of all Vancouver rail cargo. These vessels include Tyndall 219N, Maersk Singapore 229N, Anna Maersk 226N and Maersk Laberinto 220N.
  • Actively pursuing other options such as transshipping over Seattle and utilizing other terminals in Vancouver including Delta Port and Fraser Surrey Docks.

While the situation remains fluid, we will continue to provide regular updates pertaining to the aforementioned changes allowing our customers to plan effectively.

We also request your continued support in prioritizing the pickup of aging cargo as we work together with our terminal and rail partners to restore fluidity in operations for a more reliable supply chain. Please reach out to your Customer Experience representative should you have any questions.









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