Implementation of Fuel Neutrality charge effective 10th September 2022 - 31st March 2023
On 10 August 2022,Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) sent an announcement to all customers, regarding the fuel neutrality charge which will be applied on 10 September 2022. The fuel neutrality fee per container will be applied based on the published coastal fuel index. The fuel index will be reassessed on the 7th of every month and be applied for all containers loaded/discharged on vessels berthing from 00h01 on the 1st of the following month. TPT will notify customers in the week following the 7th of the month only if the threshold has been reached and the Fuel Neutrality fee per Container needs to be updated. The tariff announced effective from 10th September is R38 per container.
Effective 1st October 2022 Maersk will recover this charge in the following way.
- For Exports we will apply Port Additional Export or 3rd Party Fine or Expense Export Charge from this date.
- For Imports we will apply Port Additional Import or 3rd Party Fine or Expense Import Charge for vessels discharging subject to ETA
ALS Flora voyage 237E for Cape Town
CCNI Arauco voyage 235S for Durban
Santa Clara voyage 223S for Port Elizabeth
We ask that you be guided and would like to thank you for doing business with us.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to your local sales or customer service representative. You will find contact details of our local offices in our Maersk website.
National Customer Experience Contact Number: 021 408 6888
National Customer Experience e-mail addresses: for export queries for import queries for sales support
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