To better serve you, we are moving our “Out of Gauge / Special Cargo” customer communication activities onto a new case handling platform. This upgrade will affect the inquiries and requests you submit to our team.
Beginning Monday December 5th, we will begin to decommission our mailbox.
We ask that all email communications please be sent to either of the two mailboxes listed below as appropriate:
As a result of this improvement, you will receive immediate confirmations that your requests have been logged with a case number.
We also ask that all phone calls for our Out of Gauge / Special Cargo team go through the following number:
- 800-321-8807, prompt “4”
As a reminder, please continue to use the tools and resources available to you on, including our Special Cargo section, which features pricing and booking tools, detailed information, and downloadable guides.
We are confident that these changes will result in a more consistent, effective and satisfying customer experience. No other changes will occur in how you interact with our Out Of Gauge / Special Cargo team.
Thank you for continuing to entrust your most special cargo to Maersk!
查看所有新闻提交此表,即表示我同意通过电子邮件接收 A. P. 穆勒-马士基集团及其关联公司接收物流相关新闻和营销信息更新。我了解我可以随时通过点击退订链接,取消接收此类马士基推送信息。如需查看我们会如何处理您的个人信息,请查阅隐私公告。