As your end-to-end logistics partner, we are constantly seeking ways to improve the reliability and efficiency of our services. That is why we are pleased to announce we have change on our Asia Europe Network.
Global trade dynamics are shifting. Now, more than ever, supply chain resilience and stability are key. Slowing demand has left us with extra capacity that we can use to improve the reliability of our services. With these changes we can reduce schedule gaps and slidings, boost weekly coverage and allow for more robust supply chain planning. We can also help reduce the impact of congestion and bottlenecks. This offers you more mobility and greater ability to respond to market changes with agility. The major disruptions of the pandemic are behind us, but 2023 is coming with new challenges. In response, we are optimising our network to better match supply to demand.
As of Week 11, we will suspend AE1 service structurally, inject vessels to rest of the loops and adjust the speed of our vessels. This will help to increase on schedule reliability and also reduce emissions, which will help us meet our goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions across our business by 2040. We understand that sustainability is increasingly important to our customers too. We hope these steps will help you to meet your own targets. Coverage for the suspended corridors will be redistributed on remaining loops as follow:
- Xiamen will be added on AE10 service.
- Rotterdam will be added on AE6 service for westbound.
- Rotterdam will be added on AE55 service for eastbound.
We know that your requirements are evolving. Our teams are ready to work with you and find solutions to all your logistics needs. As well as our ocean services, we have barge, trucking and rail solutions available to you at all times. Please reach out to your Maersk representative if you have any questions or need assistance.
Thank you for your trust and loyalty. We look forward to continuing to support you with all your logistical needs.
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