14 November 2023 - Update 04
Due to the ongoing protests in Panama, certain primary roads have been blocked. Nevertheless, and always prioritizing safety, we have been working for stability in the operations of the Logistics Hub and will continue to do so as far as the situation permits.
We are working on different options for safe transportation for your cargo, if you have a specific case, please do not hesitate to reach out for an individual evaluation, you can send your inquiry to pa.import@maersk.com and pa.export@maersk.com
We appreciate your understanding in these challenging circumstances. Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.
09 November 2023 - Update 03
The Panama protest situation continues and so far, there have been some irregularities that we have been sorting out and have managed to keep the operations ongoing during this week. We have been in constant communication with the terminals, as they ensure continuing operations as long as the people and cargo remain safe.
We are actively exploring various safe transportation options for your cargo and will keep you informed if the situation changes. Our team is constantly evaluating every case and minimizing any potential impact on your cargo.
We want to thank you for your understanding during these challenging circumstances. Be assured that any update will be promptly shared through our customer advisories.
31 October 2023 - Update 02
Due to the ongoing protests in Panama, operations have been irregular due to blockades. Terminals have confirmed that they have been operating and will continue, subject to the developing situation safety of the people and cargo.
We are evaluating different options to move your cargo in a safe manner and will keep you informed as soon as the situation changes. We are doing our utmost to minimize any impact on your cargo and appreciate your understanding in these challenging times. Any updates will be promptly communicated through our follow-up customer advisories.
26 October 2023 - Update 01
Due to the protests that have arisen this week, landside operations have been affected due to the blockades. Both terminals, Manzanillo International Terminal, and Panama Ports Company, have confirmed that they continue to operate in regular working hours, however, the accessibility challenges faced by the personnel to get to work have impacted the entry/withdrawal of the containers to/from the terminal.
We are doing our utmost to ensure the safety of our staff and minimize any impact on your cargo. However, we appreciate your understanding in these challenging times.
If you have any additional questions, please note that our Customer Service Team is at your disposal and can be reached through emails: pa.import@maersk.com and pa.export@maersk.com.
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