Please be advised that we are currently experiencing constraints with our empty container depot space in Durban. Whilst we are underway with specific evacuation initiatives for the large number of empty containers currently in South Africa, we will be utilising the available space at our contracted depot facility.
As communicated via our Maersk Daily Update, all empty containers in Durban can be turned in as Grindrod Logistics Cato Ridge.
Whilst we always strive to provide customers with preferred depot locations in close proximity to the Terminal, we are now faced with considerable challenges to facilitate this. To support our customer’s flows better, we will continue to utilise the available space at Grindrod Logistics Cato Ridge, located further than the preferred depots. As soon as space is more readily available at additional depot facilities, we will alert our customers.
Customers are encouraged to click Here for the latest Depot Turn-In options going forward.
Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to continuously serving your global transportation needs.
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