Please find the below update on the Baltimore incident and cargo on water and booked/to be booked:
1. Cargo on Water
- Cargo will be discharged at an alternative USEC (US East Coast) ports. Voyage will be terminated here as a starting point.
- There will be an offer to customers on a case by case basis to cater for inland movements due to limited truck/rail capacity available.
Click here for more Details
2. Bookings already taken (equipment has been picked up)
- A COD will be executed for an alternative USEC port as soon as possible. Cargo will not be loaded until doing so.
- Voyage will be terminated in alternative USEC ports.
Click here for more Details
3. Bookings already taken (equipment has not been picked up)
- COD will need to be executed within the next 48 hours.
- If the COD is not accepted within 48 hours, the booking will be cancelled.
Click here for more Details
4. New bookings
- Temporary suspension, globally, for Baltimore import and export bookings.
- An SD product for Baltimore is being worked on and will be communicated accordingly.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further concerns, we remain contactable via our usual channels.
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