We wish to remind you of the responsibility regarding temperature adjustments, which lies with the Shipper. It is imperative that the Shipper, or their designated agent, send instructions to PPECB with MAERSK LINE in copy @ za.export@maersk.com , at least 2 days prior to the required temperature adjustment for shipments.
In cases where the adjustment is needed on a weekend, instructions must be dispatched no later than 16:30 on the Friday preceding the weekend in question.
For your convenience, please adhere to the following format when sending your email instructions:
Subject: FSM/Step-Up – Bill #
Body of Email: Please adjust the temperature of the following containers to xxx degrees Celsius on xxx date.
Rest assured that Maersk will promptly update the booking, tracking, and adjust the container temperature as per your specifications.
We sincerely appreciate your continued business with us.
Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact your local sales or customer service representative.
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