As a step forward towards increasing ease of business, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs has made some changes in the regulation for filing Sea Cargo Manifest for all cargo arriving on the vessel calling India and departing on a vessel from India.
As per the latest Circular (Notification No. 47/2024) received from India Customs, the go live date for SCMTR implementation has been rescheduled to 1st September 2024 from the previous announced implementation date of 30th June 2024.
Kindly refer the below circular received from customs communicating the change in implementation date.
India Customs have already started the parallel run to accept the Import manifest is the new format and Maersk is already testing the new manifest format with Customs application. The parallel run will continue and will be completely replaced by the new regulations with effect from 1st September 2024.
As part of this regulations, below 2 data elements will become mandatory for the cargo arriving or moving from India.
- Declaration of International HS6 code
- Marks & numbers
We are already collecting this information in the current shipping instructions format and in case this information is missing, our Customer Service teams will contact you.
The Invoice Value and Currency fields have already been made optional in the regulations hence this information is not required on the shipping instructions.
We thank you for your support. We will keep you informed of any further development.
Should you have any questions or require any assistance regarding this new regulation, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.
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