Tango Service Rotation – Temporary Service Adjustments - Update # 2
Following up on previous announcement sent on December 12th, Maersk will extend Norfolk omission and Rio Grande / Rio de Janeiro biweekly call for another cycle (7 weeks).
This revised proforma will be valid until the end of April. The first vessel to return Norfolk direct call to be Monte Azul 513 S (ETA March 29th). Norfolk will remain being attended via barge from Philadelphia. Rio Grande and Rio de Janeiro call to return to weekly basis as from Monte Azul 516 N (ETA Rio Grande April 22nd).
Our top priority is to ensure the best possible management of your supply chain, and we are dedicated to providing you with the necessary tools and information to achieve this. We aim to maintain as much clarity and communication as possible throughout this process. Our teams are here to assist you with any questions you may have. Please reach out to your local Maersk representative or visit Maersk.com for more information.
Tango Service Rotation – Temporary Service Adjustments - Update # 1
Following up on previous announcement sent on September 30th, Maersk will extend Norfolk omission and Rio Grande / Rio de Janeiro biweekly call for another cycle (7 weeks).
This revised proforma will be valid until end of February. First vessel to return Norfolk direct call to be RDO Fortune 508 S (ETA Feb 22nd). Norfolk will remain being attended via barge from Philadelphia. Rio Grande and Rio de Janeiro call to return to weekly basis as from Monte Lizor 508 N (ETA Rio Grande Feb 28th).
Our top priority is to ensure the best possible management of your supply chain, and we are dedicated to providing you with the necessary tools and information to achieve this. We aim to maintain as much clarity and communication as possible throughout this process. Our teams are here to assist you with any questions you may have. Please reach out to your local Maersk representative or visit Maersk.com for more information.
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