As Transnet resumes to regular Terminal operations, Maersk will begin moving all unreleased containers into CX Bayhead via rail as part of our Overstay process.
Kindly take note of the Vessel Release Deadline published in our daily advisory and we urge you to please ensure all releases are actioned prior to the stated date to confirm your Merchant upliftment ex the Terminal.
Please be advised on the process to follow when transporters are collecting Import Overstay containers from CX Bayhead:
- Transporters will need to be registered with CX Bayhead. Registration to be completed prior truck arriving at CX Bayhead.
- For transporter registration, the attached form must be completed and sent to with a copy of a valid ID and Driver's License for the driver.
- For non-South Africans, Passports will be needed as well.
The preferred application method is via email and post the request, customers should call Portia to confirm receipt to avoid delays. The contact number for Portia is 031 361 4352, should there be further clarifications needed.
- For collection, NAVIS will be updated by the Carrier and transporters needs to have copies of the Release Order on hand.
- CX Bayhead is operational Monday – Friday from 06h00 to 18h00 and will be open for collections on weekends, as per prior arrangements made by the Carrier.
Please be advised that for any rail cancellations an amendment fee will be applicable for customer’s account.
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