A promising beginning
Disruptions are a constant in the logistics business. To improve ocean reliability, the Gemini Cooperation has developed a solution – The Network of the Future.
On 6th November we revealed our plans to tackle the challenges of ocean transport. Our expert panelists comprised of Anne-Sophie Zerlang Karlsen (Head of APA Operations TbM), and Bhavan Vempati (Head of Asia Market, Ocean Products), gave in-depth details into our vision, strategy and implementation of Maersk Network of the Future insights.
Now to solve the problem, we simply cannot do the same things harder. Going faster or adding more ships to the network will be futile and it requires us to come up with a different level of thinking, a different concept to truly have a workable solution.
Let’s talk key features
The transshipment hubs with what we call shuttles, are going to be providing us a much higher degree of agility in our operation.
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