For additional information on the Covid situation in other areas in China, please click here.

May 06, 2022 - Update 5

We are pleased to inform you that thanks to the great efforts of Shanghai International Port Group and relevant authorities, reefer yard density in Yangshan is gradually improving in the port of Shanghai. Reefer containers have successfully been discharged in Shanghai, and we foresee that on-water reefer will also be discharge as planned.

In light of this, we are opening reefer bookings to Shanghai port, with first cargo accepted to arrive in Shanghai from 26 June 2022 and onwards. Please note that bookings for reefer to Shanghai with arrival dates prior to 26 June 2022, will not be able to be placed or accepted.

Your partnership remains of the utmost importance to us, and are here to help make your shipping experience comfortable and seamless. Our teams are here to support you, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or should you require more information.

We thank you for your trust and loyalty, and look forward to continuing to assist you on all matters pertaining to your logistical needs.

April 22, 2022 - Update 4

Your supply chain is of the utmost importance to us. In light of the ongoing situation in Shanghai, China, and the local government’s precautionary control measures, we have been working around the clock to alleviate customer pain points.

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period of time. As such, we would like to offer the following relief packages:

  • Free Change of Destination* on import cargo into Shanghai port, that has ETA from April 1 to April 30
  • Free Combined Detention and Demurrage on cancelled export shipments from Shanghai, with ETD March 28 to April 30
  • Interim stop of the Combined Detention and Demurrage clock for the period March 28 to April 30, applicable for the location of Shanghai on both imports and exports
  • Free amendment/cancellation for SPOT/TWILL shipments exported from or imported into Shanghai, with ETD April 1 to April 30, for export, and ETA April 1 to April 30, for import**
  • Flex Hub lite *** - For Dry, we will offer this on Shanghai import cargo up to 28 days free time in selected hub as a paid service at a fixed cost of US $800 per container
  • Flex Hub lite*** - For FROZEN Reefer, we will offer this on Shanghai import FROZEN reefer cargo up to 14 days free time in selected hub as a paid service at a fixed cost of US $1800 per frozen reefer container subject to letter of Indemnity from customers
  • Logistic products of rail and barge options to nearby locations where the services are available. Please note that this a paid service.

* Subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference
** Amendment would be subject to re-pricing as usual
***Subject to operational feasibility and availability, cannot offer for chilled reefer

If you’d like to make use of any of the above, please visit the shipment binder page on Maersk website, under our web advisory page. For your ease and comfort, here you can digitally procure our relief packages, tailored to assist you during this time. Please click here for export log in to the shipment binder, and here for import log in to the shipment binder.

We will also continue to update our web advisory page on with the latest updates on the situation.

By offering the above, our aim is to give you sufficient room to assess the different options most fitting for your business, and manoeuvre some of the current pressure points caused by the Shanghai situation, all to lessen the impact to your supply chain.

Should you have any further questions or any feedback on how we can improve our relief package for you and your business, please contact your local Maersk professional. Our customer experience and commercial teams are always available to support should you need assistance.

April 14, 2022 - Update 3

With the on-going Covid-19 situation in Shanghai and the local government’s precautionary control measures, Shanghai supply chain has thus been impacted, we are facing both reefer and dangerous cargo yard congestion in Shanghai terminals.

In order not to further impact your supply chain, which is of the utmost importance to us, we would like to inform you that Maersk will stop all new reefer/dangerous cargo bookings of IMO 2.2 and IMO 3 effective 14th April 2022, into Shanghai until further notice.

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period of time. As such, we would like to offer the following relief packages:

  • Free Change of Destination* on all live bookings (with/without empty pick-up, or gated-in already) or on water import reefer/dangerous cargo of IMO 2.2 and IMO 3 into Shanghai for shipments with ETD on and after 14th April
  • Free cancellation fee on all live bookings (with/without empty pick-up) for reefer/dangerous cargo of IMO 2.2 and IMO 3 into Shanghai
  • Flex Hub lite** - we will offer this for Shanghai import FROZEN reefer (not for chilled reefer and dangerous cargo) and cargo up to 14 days free time in selected hub. Please note that this a paid service that comes at a fixed cost of US $1800 per frozen reefer container

* Subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference
**Subject to operational feasibility and availability

If you’d like to know more about above mentioned, please visit the shipment binder page on Maersk website, under our web advisory page. For your ease and comfort, here you can digitally procure our relief packages, tailored to assist you during this time. Please click here for export log in to the shipment binder, and here for import log in to the shipment binder.

We will also continue to update our web advisory page on with the latest updates on the situation.

By offering the above, our aim is to give you sufficient room to assess the different options most fitting for your business, and manoeuvre some of the current pressure points caused by the Shanghai situation, all to lessen the impact to your supply chain.

Should you have any further questions or any feedback on how we can improve our relief package for you and your business, please contact your local Maersk professional. Our customer experience and commercial teams are always available to support should you need assistance.

April 8, 2022 - Update 2

Your supply chain is of the utmost importance to us. In light of the ongoing situation in Shanghai, China, and the local government’s precautionary control measures, we have been working around the clock to alleviate customer pain points.

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period of time. As such, we would like to offer the following relief packages:

  • Free Change of Destination* on import cargo into Shanghai port, that has ETA from April 1 to April 15
  • Free Detention and Demurrage on cancelled export shipments from Shanghai, with ETD March 28 to April 15
  • Interim stop of the Detention and Demurrage clock for the period March 28 to April 15, applicable for the location of Shanghai on both imports and exports
  • Free amendment/cancellation for SPOT shipments exported from or imported into Shanghai, with ETD April 1 to April 15, for export, and ETA April 1 to April 15, for import.**
  • Flex Hub lite*** - we will offer this on Shanghai import cargo up to 28 days free time in selected hub. Please note that this a paid service that comes at a fixed cost of US $800 per container
  • Logistic products of rail and barge options to nearby locations where the services are available. Please note that this a paid service

* Subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference
** Amendment would be subject to re-pricing as usual
***Subject to operational feasibility and availability

If you’d like to make use of any of the above, please visit the shipment binder page on Maersk website, under our web advisory page. For your ease and comfort, here you can digitally procure our relief packages, tailored to assist you during this time. Please click here for export log in to the shipment binder, and here for import log in to the shipment binder.

We will also continue to update our web advisory page on with the latest updates on the situation.

By offering the above, our aim is to give you sufficient room to assess the different options most fitting for your business, and manoeuvre some of the current pressure points caused by the Shanghai situation, all to lessen the impact to your supply chain.

Should you have any further questions or any feedback on how we can improve our relief package for you and your business, please contact your local Maersk professional. Our customer experience and commercial teams are always available to support should you need assistance.

April 1, 2022 - Update 1

In light of the ongoing situation in Shanghai, China, and the local government’s precautionary control measures, we have been working around the clock to alleviate customer pain points.

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period of time. As such, we would like to offer the following relief packages:

  • Free Change of Destination* on import cargo into Shanghai port, that has ETA from April 1 to April 15
  • Free Detention and Demurrage on cancelled export shipments from Shanghai, with ETD March 28 to April 5
  • Interim stop of the Detention and Demurrage clock for the period March 28 to April 5, applicable for the location of Shanghai on both imports and exports
  • Free amendment/cancellation for SPOT and shipments exported from or imported into Shanghai, with ETD 1 April to 5 April, for export, and ETA, 1 April to 5 April, for import.**
  • Flex Hub lite*** - we will offer this on Shanghai import cargo up to 28 days free time in selected hub. Please note that this a paid service that comes at a fixed cost of US $800 per container.
  • LnS products of rail and standalone barge options to nearby locations where the services are available. Please note that this a paid service.

* Subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference
** Amendment would be subject to re-pricing as usual
***Subject to operational feasibility and availability

If you’d like to make use of any of the above, please visit the shipment binder page on, under our web advisory page. For your ease and comfort, here you can digitally procure our relief packages, tailored to assist you during this time.

Please click here for export log in to the shipment binder, and here for import log in to the shipment binder.

We will also continue to update our web advisory page on with the latest updates on the situation.

By offering the above, our aim is to give you sufficient room to assess the different options most fitting for your business, and manoeuvre some of the current pressure points caused by the Shanghai situation, all to lessen the impact to your supply chain.

Should you have any further questions or any feedback on how we can improve our relief package for you and your business, please contact your local Maersk professional. Our customer service and commercial teams are always available to support should you need assistance.









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