Ocean Update
In February 2025, together with Hapag-Lloyd, Maersk is launching an operational collaboration called the Gemini Cooperation to deliver our Network of the Future which covers the ocean freight network on East-West trades. The ambition of the Network of the Future is to reduce network complexity with mostly single operator loops and fewer port calls per service, incorporate terminals with the highest level of productivity and operational efficiency.
Earlier this week, we have announced our network setup, including a Trans Suez network, as well as an alternative route south of the Cape of Good Hope. For more details on the Network of the Future and a full overview of the network setups, click here.

Elsewhere, the situation on the east coast of the USA is being closely monitored by our teams, with negotiations between the International Longshoreman Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance Ltd. (USMX) continuing.
Strike action remains a possibility, but please rest assured we are ready to assist our customers and explore options to keep their supply chains moving best as possible via alternate routes, modalities, or distribution schedules. Customers are asked to stay in close contact with their Maersk representatives now as communicating supply chain requirements will be key to developing tailored contingencies if needed. Click here for more information.
China’s Golden Week national holiday period at the start of October is fast approaching, with factories shutting across China and port operations slowing down as part of the celebrations.
The period traditionally sees a rush for companies to ship goods out of China before operations become limited, and while that will continue to be the case, we are expecting the rush to be less hectic than in previous years.
This is due to the shift in peak season in 2024, as businesses have looked to get goods to European shores as early as possible amid the ongoing Red Sea situation to ensure they don’t miss key seasonal events.
A reduced workforce and reduced demand in the weeks following Golden Week means logistics providers balance their networks with a number of changes. Please click here to see the adjustments from Far East Asia to Europe from week 37 to week 40 and don’t hesitate to contact Maersk for any assistance with planning and other Golden Week queries.
Key Ports Update
European Hubs and gateways are showing a stable performance across both North Europe and Mediterranean. Our Hubs will play an important role in the Network of the Future - located as ‘pearls on a string’ on the main route from Asia to Europe. This is unique, and combined with a +30% capacity expansion, constitutes an unmatched advantage. For more information on the new network and services, please see our dedicated page.
With summer season coming to an end, weather conditions have been stable across the continent. In Rotterdam, due to a damaged crane at Maasvlakte II, a backlog has developed at the barge key. The repairs are currently underway and expected to finalise this week. Our teams have worked on putting alternative solutions in place, including shifting barge operations to the deep-sea quay and increasing truck slots, to mitigate the impact on our customers’ supply chains. At the Delta 2 terminal, there has been an increase in the empty container stack and an extra loader is now planned to reduce the current high stock.
In Bremerhaven, terminals remain stable, however network challenges are causing delays across all services, which will put additional stress on the line-up. The last round of negotiations between the labour union and the employer has not resulted in an agreement, and the dates for the next round have not yet been announced. Our teams continue to monitor the situation closely and will keep customers informed of any developments.

Elsewhere in Germany, customs regulations require that Import Customs Manifest is submitted between 48 and 72 hours prior to vessel arrival. Our teams have noticed that due to untimely submission of these shipping instructions, a percentage of shipments is often being rolled in Germany, causing delays to the flow of our customers’ cargo.
To prevent cargo being rolled in Germany or any other transhipment port for this reason, we are now implementing a No Doc No Load policy - meaning shipping instructions must be received and processed in the system prior to the load list being prepared. Find out more about the policy implementation on this link.
In the Mediterranean, both terminals in Tangier are running well and showing a stable performance. In Algeciras, mandatory crane repairs and pavement works have affected productivity levels, while on the terminal yard side, we are seeing increased yard density due to network delays and long layovers. Our teams are keeping a close eye on the situation and load and discharge patterns and yard levels to minimise disruptions for our customers.
To receive the latest updates on your cargo, sign up for ETA notifications.
Air Freight Update
Having recently been added to the Maersk Air Cargo fleet, our brand new Boeing 777F is now commencing regular commercial operations between Europe and China following successful test flights. The delivery of the second new 777 is also expected soon, with the aircraft due to enter service in Q4 2024. Find out more about the customer benefits of the additions here.
Elsewhere, Maersk recently announced the opening of a new warehouse in Fredericia, situated within the ‘Triangle Area’ of Denmark that enables cross-country connectivity within 3-4 hours. The new facility is in close proximity to Maersk’s hub in Billund, which opens up further strategic storage options for air freight customers.

Also looking to enhance our offering, Maersk has launched a new ‘Garments on Hanger’ service for fashion and apparel air freight customers exporting from Italy. The specialist service will allow businesses to securely ship clothing items on traditional hangers, rather than packed into boxes. For more information, please contact your local Maersk representative.
Air freight rates out of Europe remain competitive, however rates out of IMEA and Asia continue to stay at high levels with the Red Sea situation ongoing, peak season approaching and e-commerce booming out of Asia. Capacity from Asia to Europe is also getting tighter in the current circumstances, but capacity from Europe to the world is not limited.
Please click here to find helpful information about our air freight network and our services to and from Europe.
Inland Update
Earlier this week, we have announced our new Network of the Future - Ocean freight network on East West trades. As the global integrator of container logistics, we will offer seamless connections to a wide range of transportation products and logistics services at each of our hubs.
In addition to Ocean transport, we will offer the flexibility to choose other transportation modes whether that’s inland, rail, barge, or air, and value-adding services such as premium quality containers, free-time extension, value protect and energy products.

Elsewhere, continuing our efforts to accelerate EV truck industry growth, our teams have begun testing electrified trucks for inland transportation of containers between our terminal in Mělník, and our customer’s plant in Mladá Boleslav in the Czech Republic.
These electric trucks can complete three full round trips on this 96km route each day on a single charge, demonstrating that electric trucks are not only a viable alternative to traditional trucks but can also seamlessly fit into daily operations. This initiative is a significant step forward in reducing greenhouse gas emissions of our operations and supporting our customer’s commitment to decarbonisation.
Find out more about our Inland solutions and services across Europe.
Customs Update
There is a key deadline fast approaching for the next stage of reporting on the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). By 31st October 2024, businesses must submit actual embedded emissions data, rather than relying on default values, for goods imported in the previous quarter.
Notably, this is the final time reports can use a non-EU method to calculate emissions. Starting in 2025, only the EU’s official method will be accepted for CBAM reporting. Click here for more information.

The EU is also moving to impose countervailing duties on battery electric vehicle (BEV) imports from China, citing unfair subsidies that threaten EU manufacturers.
Despite efforts to resolve the issue in compliance with WTO rules, the European Commission has drafted a decision to impose definitive duties, A Commission Implementing Regulation will be published in the Official Journal by 30th October 2024. If Chinese EVs are part of your supply chain, you will need to assess the long-term costs implications of the anti-subsidy duties. Find out more here.
Elsewhere, Finland raised its standard VAT rate to 25.5% from 1st September 2024, which is the second-highest in the EU after Hungary's rate of 27%. This increase is part of a broader strategy to ensure compliance with the Eurozone's fiscal rules, keeping government deficits below 3% of GDP. The VAT increase is expected to generate €1 billion in additional revenue. If your port of entry into the EU is in Finland, you need to anticipate 25.5% import VAT, unless you move your goods under the transit procedure.
Ecommerce Update
Local e-commerce is firmly established in everyday lives and consumers are increasingly seeking online shopping options for products sold internationally – statistics suggest global retail e-commerce sales are expected to surpass 8 trillion USD by 2027, and take up an increased percentage of total sales. And expanding across borders comes with its own challenges. When asked about cross-border ecommerce challenges, 44.5% of respondents listed navigating customs, 37% said cross-border logistics, and 23% claim they faced challenges with cross-border partners.

In line with the latest trends in last-mile deliveries, our teams have seen brands and marketplaces set ambitious expansion goals in both existing and newer markets across multiple digital sales channels, while renewing focus on logistical efficiencies and cost reduction. The barriers our customers faced in achieving these goals range from market uncertainties and high initial investments to complex supply chain needs.
To address these challenges, our teams have developed International E-Commerce Solutions (IES) that supports our customers in expanding to newer markets, increasing cost efficiency and speed to market, or simply positioning goods closer to target markets.
With IES, customers can combine a variety of solutions and transport modes such as ground freight, warehousing, customs clearance, air freight, ocean shipping and last mile delivery services to solve core pain points in e-commerce supply chains and offer consumers the most seamless solution.
To find out more about how our teams can help provide the best ecommerce delivery solutions for your business, visit our E-Delivery page.
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