Sustainability is one of the biggest focus areas for the retail industry. According to a Gartner survey, it is the fastest-growing strategic business priority – up 292% since 2021 and now in the top 10. So, efforts are underway to re-examine supply chains and reduce carbon emissions and wastage wherever possible.
Do you want to discuss this in more detail?
We’re thrilled to announce that our experts will be present on the floor at the Sustainable Retail Summit 2023. Join us to discover ways to make your retail supply chain more sustainable.
We look forward to talking to you about:
- Reducing general waste in logistics with a circular economy supply chain approach
- Revolutionising waste management of perishable cargo through digitalisation
- Leveraging Maersk’s sustainability investments like our methanol vessel, ECO Delivery and Emissions Dashboard to make retail logistics more sustainable
At the event, you can interact with Maersk's Commercial Sustainability Team and our Global Head of Retail. Also, get a better understanding of the impact of logistics on sustainability from our experts at the Summit.
Don't miss the opportunity to chat with:

More experts to be announced soon.
See you there! In the meantime, preview some of the important sustainability topics we’ll discuss at the summit.
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