If I select Rollable how many times will my cargo get rolled?
We confirm, without guarantee, that our performance data shows that in the majority of cases any “rolled” cargo is rolled onto the next available calling Vessel at the port of loading. In the unlikely event of a double rolling, the compensation will only be paid once.
Can I see price details before modifying a Maersk Spot booking? Can I change a contract booking to a Maersk Spot booking or vice versa? I have Maersk Spot bookings to/from the United States of America. Do I still need to cancel and re-book every time I make a change to these bookings? Can a Maersk Spot booking be amended? Can I change the haulage pick up depot/pick up date/cargo load address & cargo load date? What governing regulations affect bookings on US trades? I am getting an error message when I try to proceed with an amendment. Why? I amended my departure date. Where can I see the new deadlines? Can I remove Rollable from an existing Maersk Spot booking? In case of rolling will there be any changes to the rate and free time? Can Maersk Spot for US trades be booked via EDI solutions or INTTRA?首次访问 Maersk.com?