Spot shipping is dynamic. And it needs the right tools at your fingertips to make all the difference. At Maersk, we believe that as your business grows, self-service enablement becomes significant in all aspects of your shipping journey. Our Self-Service Instant Booking (SSIB) tool is designed to streamline your Maersk Spot booking process, giving you more control, ease, and efficiency.

Here's how you can leverage this powerful tool to optimize your booking process:

Maersk self-service instant booking: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I check if a party exists and is available in the Maersk system before booking?

You can search for parties within the self-serving booking tool. If no results appear, it means we don't have that party on file. You can alter your search or use the address field to narrow down results. Alternatively, you can also reach out to customer support.

2. Why are some amendment options grayed out?

Once containers begin to gate-out, certain aspects of the booking become non-amendable online. This protects the system from updates that don't make sense without customer service intervention.

3. Can I pick an alternate pickup depot or alternate loading port?

If you have opted for SD booking, Maersk will take ownership of the whole process. For CY bookings, you can select an alternate pickup depot, but this may affect equipment availability and your ability to get instant confirmation. Changing the load port is not currently available online but is being considered for future updates.

4. Why don't I see inland rail deadlines when booking online?

We're working on including this feature. In the meantime, you can estimate using the transit times provided or check your booking confirmation email for rail deadlines.

5. Do I need to switch customer codes to access bookings within my company? Is there a way to link them?

Yes, you generally need to use specific customer codes to access different bookings. Customer codes are unique identifiers, similar to Social Security numbers. While you can't combine codes, you can work with customer service to consolidate codes for easier management.

6. How can I add a delivery to my previous CY booking?

You can amend your booking to change the service mode. However, this may affect the available routing options.












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