We recently informed you of our transition into Case Management, a new email system designed to better service your needs. During this time, we are experiencing higher call volumes and email cases. We ask that you please do not send reminders, as those extra inbound emails are causing further delays. We would also ask that if you prefer to call and handle payment by phone to please be patient as our team is working as quickly as possible to answer your calls.

In efforts to better service you, we’ve highlighted useful tools available for 24/7 use on Maersk.com.

Demurrage and Detention Last Free Day Details and Charges

Please review the below guide to access demurrage and detention details online.

Demurrage and detention can be viewed by bill of lading. The charge and free time details page will reflect all containers associated with a bill of lading, the amount of free time provided per container, and the last free day.

Maersk.com also allows the consignee to see the demurrage estimate due through the expected gate out date and a breakdown of the charges. Once a demurrage payment has been made and Maersk has been notified, the Release Services team will update the last free day on Maersk.com to reflect the payment made.

An estimate of the detention charges due through the intended empty return date and a breakdown of the detention fee is also available online. Parties other than the consignee can only see the last free day on Maersk.com; the charges will be unavailable for viewing.

Payment options: US and Canada

US Payment Options

Payment options for US customers can be found here under the Freight payment options tab.

Canadian Payment Options

Payment options for Canadian customers can be found here under the Payment options tab.

Due to the high volumes of E-payments, same day release is not guaranteed. We’re asking all customers to submit payment a business day ahead to ensure the cargo is fully released for your intended pickup date. Payment remittances for all E-Payments including direct Wires, ACH, Paycargo, and Cargo Sprint payments should be sent to NAMDEMREVIMP@maersk.com and NAMFRCSVCACH@maersk.com. Payment remittances must include the customer number, bill of lading, Maersk invoice number (if applicable), the container numbers, amount per container, and the pay through date. Once completed, you will be issued a case number. Your payment will be processed in the order in which they are received.

Demurrage and Detention Credit Card Payment Options

Credit Card Payment - Online

Demurrage and detention invoices that have been officially billed to your account can be paid online with a credit card or with one of our other payment options. Demurrage cannot be paid online for shipments currently at the terminal. Here are instructions on how to pay online.

Credit Card Payment - Over the phone

Demurrage fees for shipments currently at the terminal can be paid via credit card over the phone or with one of our other payment options. Submitting credit card payment for demurrage over the phone grants an immediate release (45 minutes) at the terminal. There is a credit card payment limit of 20 containers per call. If one wishes to submit payment for over 20 containers, an Electronic Payment (i.e. Cargo Sprint, Paycargo, Wire, and ACH) needs to be submitted.

Website Guide

Maersk.com is full of tools designed to enhance your customer experience. Navigate over to guide for more information on using Maersk.com.

We thank you for your business and look forward to continuously serving your global transportation needs. If you have further questions about the upcoming change mentioned above, please do not hesitate to contact us.









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