既然Maersk Spot订单甩箱之后也是有相应的赔偿。 那我选“Rollable”方案拿赔款岂不是多此一举?
“Rollable” 是Maersk Spot针对客户实际需求推出的一个产品解决方案。建议您只在不需要赶货期的货物上选择“Rollable”, 这也是您在有可能被甩箱的情况下优化运输成本的一种选择。 如果发生超额订舱,我们需要展期运送货物的情况,会优先延展被标记为“ Rollable ”的货物,并向您支付相应的赔偿。 Maersk Spot目前的甩箱赔偿仅适用于第一个装货港;如果您选择了“Rollable”方案, 赔款补偿将适用于整个运输计划。例如,如果您的货物在任何一个中转港被甩箱, 您都将获得一次赔偿。 请注意,我们的目标是确保客户能享受舱位保证,只针对勾选了“Rollable”方案的货物进行延期装船。
Can I see price details before modifying a Maersk Spot booking? Can I change a contract booking to a Maersk Spot booking or vice versa? I have Maersk Spot bookings to/from the United States of America. Do I still need to cancel and re-book every time I make a change to these bookings? Can a Maersk Spot booking be amended? Can I change the haulage pick up depot/pick up date/cargo load address & cargo load date? What governing regulations affect bookings on US trades? I am getting an error message when I try to proceed with an amendment. Why? I amended my departure date. Where can I see the new deadlines? Can I remove Rollable from an existing Maersk Spot booking? In case of rolling will there be any changes to the rate and free time? Can Maersk Spot for US trades be booked via EDI solutions or INTTRA? If I select Rollable how many times will my cargo get rolled?首次访问 Maersk.com?